I am going to be sharing my life story with the young people of Taita College on the 3rd May at Taita College. Contact Taita College for furthur information. This will be an evening where the youth and their families will get the oppotunity to talk with Tofiga, and find out more about this talented pacific islander entertainer.
Come and join me at the Katinas concert in Auckland on the19th and 21st of May. Keep checking the blogger for further details on the Katinas concert and Pursuit of Excellence 2007.......DONT MISS IT!
The laughing samoans with there latest show OFF WORK in TOKOROA 25th May 2007, St Lukes P.I.C. Community Hall.
For tickets call marcus Ahsin on 021 037 9689 or email marcus@raukawafm.com
The laughing samoans in HAMILTON performing OFF WORK 26th May 2007, Foundings Theatre Tristram st, Hamilton
For Tickets 0800 484 2538 or 07 838 1111
OFF WORK in TUTUILA, AMERICAN SAMOA 2nd June, 2007. Kanana Fou Gymnasium Tickets on sale soon
OFF WORK with the laughing samoans in MELBOURNE (north), AUTRALIA 8th June 2007
8pm Friday 8th June, derebin Arts Entertainment Centre, Corner Bellst & George road, Preston.
Tickets on sale now call (03) 84708280
Laughing samoans with OFF WORK in MELBOURNE (south), AUSTRALIA 9th June 2007.
8pm, Saturday, Frankston Arts Centre, Corner Davey & Young streets, Frankston, Melbourne. Bookings (03) 9784 1060
OFF WORK SHOW in AUCKLAND, New Zealand 16th June 2007
5pm & 8pm Saturday 16th June Dorothy Winstone Centre, Auckland Girls Grammer School, Feemans Bay
For Tickets call (09) 307 5000
OFF WORK SHOW in ROTORUA, New Zealand 27th July 07
8pm, Friday night at the ROTORUA CIVIC THEATRE.
Tickets from Ticketek ph (07) 349-5141
OFF WORK SHOW in PERTH, Australia 4th August 07
8pm Staurday at the REGAL THEATRE, Subiaco, Perth
Bookings call (08) 9484-1133 or http://www.regaltheatre.com.au
Keep checking this space............